To Gathering:
We have built worlds with:
National Gallery Singapore + Pangrok Sulap + Gudskul
Yale-NUS College
Bowen Secondary School
National Gallery Singapore + Pangrok Sulap + Gudskul
Yale-NUS College
Bowen Secondary School
In a series of experimental research workshops, we invite participants to collectively re-imagine and articulate what their ideal future world would look, smell, taste, sound, and feel like. In so doing, we critically examine and reflect upon processes of negotiation and decision-making (within the self, with ‘the other’, and within a group).
“Around us, the soft sounds of waves dashing against a shore rise and ebb like the breaths of a planet. A voice invites us to contemplate a journey to the vast beyond, to build – with our words – a world close to home in spirit but much ahead in time. “What would,” the voice coaxes, “this future world look like?” What would you have this world be? Across the room another voice is quick to describe: “a dome.” From the opposite corner: “a luscious, verdant land.” Somewhere to my right: “a place where animals share the gift of our tongue.” Behind me: “somewhere that love is free, but consent is still needed.” Around us all, the sounds of a collective imagining for things yet to come.“
- Alfonse Chiu
“My senses heightened and overloaded my mind with questions. Where was the next cue going to come from? Was it going to be a temperature change, a sound, or a texture? Was a touch accidental or intentional? Should I respond? What if I ran amok?”
- Anthea Seah
“Around us, the soft sounds of waves dashing against a shore rise and ebb like the breaths of a planet. A voice invites us to contemplate a journey to the vast beyond, to build – with our words – a world close to home in spirit but much ahead in time. “What would,” the voice coaxes, “this future world look like?” What would you have this world be? Across the room another voice is quick to describe: “a dome.” From the opposite corner: “a luscious, verdant land.” Somewhere to my right: “a place where animals share the gift of our tongue.” Behind me: “somewhere that love is free, but consent is still needed.” Around us all, the sounds of a collective imagining for things yet to come.“
- Alfonse Chiu
“My senses heightened and overloaded my mind with questions. Where was the next cue going to come from? Was it going to be a temperature change, a sound, or a texture? Was a touch accidental or intentional? Should I respond? What if I ran amok?”
- Anthea Seah